Problem/Solution Speech Outline

My Job Title: Communications Director

I work for: Marina McMannis, Councilwoman

Project: Publicity – Campaign for Mayor of Bend, Oregon

What I WANT to do: help her develop public speaking skills, and understand important public speaking principles for delivery of important content.

My qualifications: I know her stances on issues like the back of my hand.

I have already said: I want to take a stab at writing your remaining speeches to improve their audience appeal.



This is a game.

Marina McMannis is known for:

  1. Being overly serious
    1. Definition 1: demanding careful consideration or application
    2. Definition 2: acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.
  2. She believes “Serious issues deserve serious speeches.”

Marina’s Strengths:

  1. Leadership
  2. Ethical Principles

Marina’s Weaknesses:

  1. Can’t keep audiences attention
  2. Delivery is dry
  3. Stubborn to change. Wants her traditional speech

Strengths of Republican opponent Lloyd Thompson:

  1. Current mayor, public has already gained trust
  2. Charismatic
  3. Successful businessman. “Business as usual” stance on City Management and Planning


The problem is, I have the solution for you, but you don’t believe there’s a problem.

This might seem annoying, and not pertinent to your interests, but it’s going to change the outcome of your election. Listen carefully.

You need connection to your audience. WHY?

You need to encourage engagement by:

  1. Rhetorical questions

Fact: You need to get elected.

They will appreciate your seriousness when you are in office, taking care of business. First you must gain their trust, and establish a relationship. Do you want to build your relationship with the people on furrowed eyebrows and sharpness in your voice?

People connect to political leaders when:

  1. They feel a connection to the candidate
  2. Common people understand their viewpoints clearly through metaphors, stories, etc.
  3. They are enthusiastic (happy, or serious, or motivating), personable, and passionate. You need energy, however you give it, it needs to be given.

People respond well to Thompson because he’s cheerful, enthusiastic, personable, and passionate. People respond well to these characteristics. They are comfortable because they know him on a personable level.

Leadership is much more than intelligence. If you care about each audience member, you have to be willing to sacrifice your own feelings for theirs.


Charisma is rooted in values and feelings. It’s influence born of the alchemy that Aristotle called the logos, the ethos, and the pathos; that is, to persuade others, you must use powerful and reasoned rhetoric (logos), establish personal and moral credibility (ethos), and then rouse followers’ emotions and passions (pathos).

Verbal Charismatic Leadership Tactics

Non-Verbal Charismatic Leadership Tactics (expression of voice, body, and face, or what most people would consider charisma)

Examples of delivering speeches that are unnatural for your personality.

Examples of delivering speeches with charisma, and without charisma.


Closing: This is a game.


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